Therapeutic Assessment

Dr. Steve Gioielli specializes in conducting psychological evaluations that help people understand themselves better, and the approach typically leads to new insights and growth.  Much like a traditional psychological evaluation, interviewing and testing occur, and the information is used for identifying diagnoses and planning treatment.  However, following principles grounded in research, clients become active participants in the evaluation process and work with the evaluator in a highly collaborative relationship to make sense of the psychological test results.   At the end of a Therapeutic Assessment (TA), clients often feel more prepared to take the next steps in their lives. The process begins with a brief telephone discussion, during which some basic background information will be gathered and the approach will be further explained. Before a client begins a TA, it is important to ensure the timing is right and the approach is a good fit. In addition, payment and logistical questions can be discussed.


What does the process look like?

At the first meeting, we will help you form questions you want to have answered through testing. At times people have diagnostic questions, such as “Do I have ADHD?”  or, “How severe is my depression?”  However, often clients have very individualized questions about the areas of life where they are struggling, such as “What gets in the way of me creating an intimate relationship?” or, “How has my childhood impacted me?” Based on your questions, psychological tests are identified that will help us discover answers. Over the course of several sessions, you will complete a variety of psychological tests and we will explore the results together.  At the end, we will meet to discuss the test results and answer your questions. A few weeks after this meeting, you will receive a personalized, jargon-free letter summarizing the results of the assessment.

How long does it take?

Typically, Therapeutic Assessments require 8-10 hours of time in the office for interviewing, testing and discussions. Appointments may occur a couple times a week over the course of a few weeks, or just once a week over a number of weeks.

After the initial session during which questions are identified, I will be able to provide an overview of what will likely occur, and the time needed.

How is a Therapeutic Assessment different from a traditional psychological evaluation?

In this model, psychological testing is seen as a potential therapeutic intervention, as well as a way of gathering data to further understand a client.  This occurs by collaborating with clients who are integral to the process of constructing questions and making sense of the test results.

Clients are always provided individualized feedback about their assessment results, both verbally and in written communication.

Last, this approach tends to be more time-intensive, with testing occurring over the course of a few weeks, rather than a single day of multiple tests.

Who might be a good candidate for a Therapeutic Assessment?

Many people receiving mental health services could benefit from a Therapeutic Assessment (TA).  Often, this approach is a good way to start therapy, as a thorough evaluation can help determine what type of treatment interventions might work best.

Furthermore, this approach can be beneficial for individuals who have been in therapy for some time and feel stuck or like their growth has plateaued. As a TA can be emotionally intense, individuals who are in acute crisis are not good candidates.

Additionally, clients who need a traditional psychological report so some entity, such as the legal system, can make a decision are best served by a traditional approach to psychological assessment.

I already have a therapist. What is their role in this process and should I keep seeing them?

Before you begin a TA, you should let your therapist and other mental health professionals with whom you are working know you are considering this option.  They can help you decide if this might be a good idea for you. Often, I coordinate with therapists before, during and after a TA. In fact, most feedback discussions occur with the therapist present at their office. Clients who are participating in a TA are encouraged to continue seeing their therapist during the process, as therapy is another place where they can discuss what they are learning during the TA and receive emotional support.

Why does it take so long to complete?

In contrast to a typical psychological evaluation in which the interviewing and testing is completed in 1-2 days, a TA can often involve 6-10 sessions, depending on the questions asked and the number of tests administered.  During a TA I hold a goal of deeply understanding the person and how his/her difficulties intersect with their life situation.  In order to understand you and your life, time needs to be spent connecting and exploring the test results. It is possible to conduct a brief TA, which may be more financially viable for some clients. A brief TA can also lead to positive outcomes but may result in a less comprehensive understanding of you and your difficulties.

How much does a TA cost?

Therapeutic Assessment costs vary depending on the number of questions determined to be addressed, as well as the amount of testing required to address the questions. Typical fees range between $2000-$3500.

Want to learn more?

Check out the Therapeutic Assessment Institute or contact Dr. Steve Gioielli